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Black and white hen
Ceramic hen decorated with the sgraffito technique. I covered white earth stone with black slip, let it dry, then I used a @diamond tool to scratch the decoration. I was inspired by Wyandotte Chickens with are gaining popularity.[dmg_masonry_gallery...
White and black chickens
Large Chickens made out of earthstone with black engobe. I used coloured porcelain for head decoration.[dmg_masonry_gallery _builder_version="4.21.0" _module_preset="default" theme_builder_area="post_content" gallery="1178,1177,1176,1175" columns="2" hover_enabled="0"...
Orange Chickens
Three unique chickens glazed with orange and green glazes. Made out earth stone.[dmg_masonry_gallery gallery="1162,1161,1160,1159,1158,1163" _builder_version="4.21.0" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"...
Black and white chickens
Medium size chickens made from earth stone and coloured porcalain. Decorated by sgraffito method. [dmg_masonry_gallery gallery="1179,1169,1170,1171,1173,1174" _builder_version="4.21.0" _module_preset="default" global_colors_info="{}"...
Blue Bird
Red Bird now with legs
From all of bird I made, this one is my favorite. As well as I'm proud of myself from making it - I'm a bit sad with thought of selling it. Jet, I can't keep my work forever. I need to make more room for next art.
Red Punk Bird
Look at this little feela! I think the best part of making those, is seeing people smile every time I show them my art. Daylight is now shorter, and days are colder...what does make you smile during those days?